Welcome back, I hope all of you those are following my blog
are doing fine. I have disappeared from the website for some time because I had
been so busy with my exams. Finally, I am back with great energy, really
interesting and fruitful topics.
Don’t worry about vitamins we will be discussing every topic
but for today I got something more interesting. Without further due, let’s get
Today, as the title indicates we’ll be exploring about what
is obesity, childhood obesity, what factors contributes in childhood obesity,
diseases related to childhood obesity, mostly how we can treat childhood
It is the abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that
presents a risk of health
We measure it with the help of BMI. BMI stands for body mass index. Basically, we need to use formula for this and need to put weight and height. You can go on go and can find BMI calculate by doing this calculation it can guide us about our health. I mean are we in normal, overweight, obese or in severe obese category.
Childhood obesity:
Childhood obesity is the condition in which child is
particularly overweight.
The most common causes of childhood obesity are not doing
physical activity, eating unhealthy food, genetic factors, or all.
Factors contributing to the childhood obesity:
- Most of the increase in obesity is because of environmental factors
- Child have lack of physical activity
- Decreased family dinner and increased fast food
- Prepackaged food
- Portion size in restaurants has doubled in the past 20 years
- Children are eating more calories, larger portions and less vegetables
- Increased television, videogame and computer use (screen time)
- Obesity is more than 8 times higher in children that watch more than 5 hours of TV per day compared to children watching less than 2 hours of TV
- Media ads affecting food choices
Diseases related to childhood obesity:
If children are obese then this leads to many serious health problems:
- Liver damage because of excess fat accumulation
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Gall stones
- Sleep apnea
How can we treat childhood obesity?
- Increase in physical activity (at least 1 hour moderate activities per day)
- Adequate sleep (children who sleeps less than 9 hours also have risk of obesity)
These are two important things you need to do firstly, adding these two habits in your life will create great impact in your life and will help you toward your health goals.
At the end, I would like to say do some brainstorming and
choose the right, healthy, better and happy way to live this beautiful life in
this beautiful world.