Today, let’s talk about Vitamin B6. I have started the series of vitamins. If you want to know about any vitamin GO and CHECK my previous posts.
Vitamin B6:
It is one of the eight Vitamin B complexes. This vitamin is needed for proper cell function and helps in metabolism and keeps
the cell healthy.
Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. It is water-soluble
vitamin and dissolves in water. It was first discovered in 1932 when scientists
were still learning about new things. Our body cannot store this B vitamin and
release the excess amount of pyridoxine in urine. Therefore, we need to consume
enough amount of pyridoxine every day.
Vitamin B6 is present in three natural forms:
- Pyridoxine or PN
- Pyridoxal or PL
- Pyridoxamine or PM
Functions of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Following are the important functions of Vitamin B6:
- Play role in nervous system functions
- Reduce muscle spasms
- Important for the production of red blood cell
- Its main role is helping the body metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fats
- It helps in creating the neurotransmitters, which are important chemical messengers in the brain
- Make antibodies
- Plays important role in mood regulation
Food sources of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Rich food sources of Vitamin B6 are potatoes, starchy
vegetables, legumes, nuts, bananas, avocados, non-citrus fruits, egg yolks,
whole grains, and vegetables.
Also, fortified ready-to-eat cereals, fish, liver, and other
organ meats.
Deficiency of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Deficiency of Vitamin B6 leads to nervousness, insomnia, arm
and leg cramps, water retention, skin lesions, loss of muscle control and
muscle weakness.
Long-term deficiency of Vitamin B6 because of excessive
alcohol consumption can lead to hypothyroidism and diabetes.
Toxicity of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
The toxicity of Vitamin B6 means that body has a high
concentration of this vitamin than normal. Pyridoxine can cause sensory
neuropathy, hyperesthesia which is accompanied by ataxia and limb pain.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin B6:
All adults should consume 2mg of Vitamin B6 per day.
Vitamin B6 is important for proper cell functioning. We can
prevent the deficiency of vitamin by consuming the balanced meal and make our
life easy.
In the next post, I will discuss Vitamin D which is also known as Calciferol. So, stay with me and get this health information for your
better and healthy lifestyle.
In the end, I would like to say if
you have any questions, feel free to ask down in the comment or you can contact
me by filling up the contact us form. Please share these posts with your
family, friends, and your near ones. So that they can get familiar with food
more in-depth and live a healthy life.