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Learning Vitamin D Is Not Difficult At All!

Today, let’s explore Vitamin D.

Vitamin D:

The second name of vitamin D is calciferol. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. There are two different forms of Vitamin D that are vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D2 also known as Ergo-calciferol is made by human and added to foods while vitamin D3 is synthesized in the human skin and also can be consumed by the intake of animal-based foods.


Both Vitamin D2 and D3 are found in fortified foods and dietary supplements. This vitamin absorbed in the small intestine.

Functions of Vitamin D:

Following are the important functions of Vitamin D:

  • It plays important role in the metabolization of calcium from bones
  • It helps the body to use phosphorus and calcium
  • It plays important roles in building strong bones and teeth
  • It reduces the risk of many cancers such as breast, ovarian, and colon cancer
  • It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • It reduces the risk of virus diseases like colds, flu

Food sources of Vitamin D:

Good food sources of vitamin D include egg yolk, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, and tuna), mushrooms, beef liver, fortified foods such as milk, infant formula, cheese, orange juice, breakfast cereal.

Deficiency of Vitamin D:

The common causes of Vitamin D deficiency are malabsorption, insufficient exposure to sunlight, and inadequate dietary sources. The deficiency of vitamin D3 leads to diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression. Osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases include Alzheimer’s disease.

The major problems related to Vitamin D deficiency are rickets in children, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia in adults.

Current researches show that deficiency of vitamin D is playing role in causing different cancers like breast, ovary, and colon.

Toxicity of Vitamin D:

Excess intake of vitamin D but not exposure to sun leads to intoxication or hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D. This condition results in hypercalcemia and eventually to soft tissue calcification and resultant renal and cardiovascular damage.

Symptoms of vitamin D are vomiting, abdominal pain, polydipsia, dehydration, confusion, polyuria.

If a person consumes too much vitamin D it can lead to rising the calcium level in the blood, poor appetite, nausea, stomach pain, kidney failure, and bone loss.

Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D:

Recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is depending on many factors such as age, season, clothing, sun exposure, and ethnicity.

Vitamin D recommended intake is 10-20 micrograms.


Vitamin D is one of the essential fat-soluble vitamins for us. We can get this vitamin D from food and sunlight. If we don’t consume vitamin D, then it can cause serious health problems. On the other hand, if we consume it too much it can also affect our health badly. Therefore, we should consume a balanced diet and live a healthy and happy life.

In the next post, I will discuss Vitamin E which is also known as Tocopherol. So, stay with me and get this health information for your better and healthy lifestyle.

In the end, I would like to say if you have any questions, feel free to ask down in the comment or you can contact me by filling up the contact us form. Please share these posts with your family, friends, and your near ones. So that they can get familiar with food more in-depth and live a healthy life.

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