Hi, today I have decided to explore Vitamin E. So, let’s find out what is vitamin E, its functions, what happens if a person has deficiency or toxicity of this vitamin E and many more.
Vitamin E:
It is also known as tocopherol or anti-sterility vitamin. It
is a fat-soluble vitamin. It acts as an antioxidant and helps in protecting
the cell damage that is caused by free radicals. Too much frying and freezing
can destroy vitamin E.
Functions of Vitamin E:
Following are the important functions of Vitamin E:
- It helps in the formation of red blood cells
- It plays role in the protection of cell membranes
- It promoted normal development and growth
- It helps in wound healing
- It acts as an anti-blood-clotting agent
Food sources of Vitamin E:
Good food sources of vitamin E are broccoli, cabbage, green
leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, celery, and fortified cereals.
Deficiency of Vitamin E:
Its deficiency is rare in humans because it is present in
many foods and can store in the body. If its deficiency occurs then it leads to
retinopathy, ataxia, and decreases the immune function.
Toxicity of Vitamin E:
Its toxicity can cause serious complications such as it may
to increase the risk of stroke and can cause the death of a person, blood thinning.
We can prevent the toxicity of Vitamin E if we don’t consume
more than 1000 mg of vitamin E per day.
Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin E:
All adults should consume 15 mg per day.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and can be store in our
body. Freezing and deep fry can destroy vitamin E. Its deficiency is rare but
toxicity can cause severe health problems. So, eat a balanced and healthy
meal and stay healthy.
In the next post, I will discuss Vitamin C which is also known as Ascorbic acid. So, stay with me and get this health information for your
better and healthy lifestyle.
In the end, I would like to say if
you have any questions, feel free to ask down in the comment or you can contact
me by filling up the contact us form. Please share these posts with your
family, friends, and your near ones. So that they can get familiar with food
more in-depth and live a healthy life.